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What age should a kid get a hoverboard?

What age should a kid get a hoverboard?
When it comes to the age a kid should get a Hoverboard there is no real age. It is more down to how confident the user is when it comes to balancing. For example if they find it difficult to ride a bike then it is a fairly similar sort of skill required in order to operate a hoverboard when used on its own.
This is because the whole hoverboard movement and everything that you do on a hoverboard is based on the balance of the user. We usually recommend that the easiest way to get used to riding the hoverboard is by using it on grass. This is because it is fairly normal for the Hoverboard to be fairly wobbly and so it would be easier to use on grass that way if the user does fall off then they are a lot less likely to injure themselves as opposed to if they are riding a Hoverboard on a solid floor where if they fall they can suffer injuries.
So we usually say that if you plan on using a Hoverboard or purchasing a Hoverboard for your kid that you help them get used to it by riding it on grass first in order to get used to riding it until they are at a level where they feel confident in riding them. As there is no real age to when they will develop this skill set it is not a question of age when purchasing a Hoverboard but more confidence, skill and balance. One of the main benefits of purchasing one of our Hoverboards is that all of our Hoverboards come with Auto Balance. This means that they are a lot easier to get used to riding as when you turn your Hoverboard on it will align on both sides automatically for you.

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