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Is an electric scooter better than a hoverboard?

Is an electric scooter better than a hoverboard?
With both of these forms of transportation they both have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to say which is the better of the two as there are a lot of things that would impact this. For example it depends on how the product will be used. If it is for commuting purposes from 1 place to another then I would say that the electric scooter is better as that is what it is designed for. Whereas for a bit of fun in the park then the Hoverboard would be much better.
The main reason for this is that a Hoverboard can be used in multiple different ways. For example you can use it with your feet as a normal Hoverboard, you can also use it with a kart which basically turns it into a go-kart with a simple 30 second attachment. Some people have even used Hoverboards while lying down on their arms and hands. There is a lot more diversity to a Hoverboard than there is with an electric scooter. With a scooter there are no attachments you can get with it, it is just a simple scooter where you do not have to pedal. For this reason it is mainly just another way to commute as you cannot really do anything other than that with an electric scooter. With electric scooters too they require a lot more space around them to use.
The main reason for this is that they are a lot bigger than your average Hoverboard and so cannot really be used indoors. With a Hoverboard as they are a lot smaller a lot of people do use them indoors, although it is very limited as you cannot really use a kart indoors it is still a lot better than trying to use a scooter indoors.

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