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Safe Hoverboard

Safe Hoverboard For Children
When it comes down to buying gifts for your children the most important thing to you as the parent is the safety of the Hoverboard itself. As there was a reputation of Hoverboards setting on fire and blowing up when they first came onto the streets. The main reason why this would have occurred is due to the fact that there was a lack of checks going into the Hoverboards regarding certifications and other safety measures that are now heavily enforced with Hoverboards. This does not mean that every hoverboard sold on the entire market is up to the standards that are required to be sold in the UK however we can only ensure that all of our Hoverboard are up to all of the standards required.
 When it comes to our Hoverboards which we have been selling for many years we have never had a single case of a Hoverboard setting on fire or blowing up or anything down that line as we ensure that there is safety in place to prevent anything like this from happening. On top of all of the certifications and all of the safety elements that we have in our Hoverboards which are also known as swegways and segways. We also test each and every one of the Hoverboards in the warehouse before we send them out to the customer just in the off chance that they may have a fault. On top of all of the internal safety elements within our Hoverboards, all of our Hoverboards also now come with auto-balance. 
This small feature is a massive factor in preventing the user from falling off the Hoverboard. The only model which we used to sell which did not include auto-balance was the Fly. This model is discontinued now as it is an old model, we now have auto-balance on all of the Hoverboards as the safety and quality of the product is what we pride ourselves on. There are a lot of companies that just want to put the cheapest price on the market out there and have no care for the safety of the user. The price of their products reflect this and a lot of these are available on marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon. That is because they do not have any real requirements in place for what sort of product that is sold on their market places. On our website you can find a list of all of our certifications with the pictures of the certificates too. 

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